AUREO was established in October 1983 as a small, informal, unincorporated organization of about 25 institutions. Its member institutions now represent most major universities in the United States and Canada.
To advance by lawful means the common interests of colleges and universities relating to real estate administration, including management, leasing, investment, development, acquisition and disposition. Our membership enjoys the relatively small size of the group and the resultant ability to be candid with one another. Members frequently communicate during the year by phone, online, or mail, thus maintaining a network for problem solving.
In 1983, Frank Morrow of Stanford University and Jack Schappel of the University of California, along with and at the behest of Ira Fink, hosted the first “organizing” meeting. Approximately 24 institutions attended. (Additional information including a list of attendees is shown in the list below in the link to that Conference.)
Everyone agreed to a second meeting in six months. Alice Gerow of the University of Virginia was named chair, and John Craddock of the University of North Carolina and Neal Lessenger of the University of Washington conducted the program at Chapel Hill. The name of the organization, the constitution and the bylaws all were adopted at this meeting in Chapel Hill.
Each member of the group advocated for the small, informal, unincorporated organization that resulted.
AUREO’s member institutions now represent most major universities in the United States and Canada.
Membership Meetings (Past Conferences)
We have held Conferences for over 40 years!